Crossroads North Argyll Reminiscence Group

Crossroads North Argyll Reminiscence Group

To develop a reminiscence project for elderly people with care needs living at home with a carer. This will enable the cared for person to get out of the house and take part in an activity that keeps the brain stimulated and active. This will also allow some respite care for the carer to have a couple of hours to go out knowing that the cared for are being looked after by trained and experienced staff.


Many of our cared for elderly people we already work with have dementia. Reminiscence work can improve the mood, cognitive ability and well-being of those with mild to moderate dementia. Evidence suggests that reminiscence work can lead to overall improvements in depression and loneliness and promote psychological well-being. People come alive when reminiscing and there are so many stories of old Oban to be told. We would like to evidence this in a booklet of their stories.

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